Video Recording: Bette Lawrence-Water on the Power of Networking

Title: The Power of Networking Outside & Within an Organization
This interactive session helps participants become more aware of the importance of networking outside AND within the organization.
Key Takeaways:
- Improved understanding of how to use networking
- Effective use of online tools
- Ways to prioritize and engage contacts
Participants will hear how networking is changing the workforce and gain new perspectives on how to build relationships, use networking tools, identify obstacles, and avoid common mistakes.
Download: Resource List (PDF)
Recorded: September 13, 2021
About Bette:
Bette Lawrence-Water is known internationally as a public health advocate, leadership expert, mentor, and career development advisor who provides high-energy presentations. She delivers keynotes and leads discussions for organizations on topics that challenge audiences to leverage focus and pay attention to what matters most at work and in life. Participants love her practical strategies, humor-tinged wisdom, and research based information, most of which can be applied almost immediately to enhance professional and personal lives. Audiences come away from her feeling informed, energized, hopeful, and inspired.
Bette has over 25 years experience in private, public, and nonprofit sectors: having received numerous awards as a professional speaker, health advocate, and organizational leader. Currently, she is President of a nonprofit organization that encourages people with disabilities to live independently. She is also an adjunct faculty member at Benedictine University in Lisle, Illinois and Dalian Medical University. She has taught graduate level public health courses since 2007. Bette earned her MS in Managerial Leadership from National-Louis University and Certification as a Professional Coach from Fowler-Wainwright Institute, and has also earned credit towards a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership and Change Management at Walden University.